March 2024
On my bulletin board, there are a few pictures of flowers that my daughter has painted for me over the years. They are quite nice, and I enjoy looking at them, knowing they were given to me in love. They are all the more precious because of that. In fact, if one of my children scribbled on a page and told me it was me playing with them in the park, I would cherish it. But that’s the way with gifts. When they are given in love, they are so very precious.
In a few short weeks, we will observe Holy Week and Easter. And during that time, we will be reminded of the greatest gift, namely what Christ accomplished on the cross and what was accomplished through the empty tomb.
It is a tremendous gift, knowing that we are set free from death and sin and that our mortal life is not the end of our journey. Rather, we will rest in God when our mortal days are done. That is the greatest of gifts. But it is made all the more precious when we realize the love that was behind that gift. God’s love changed everything. God’s love would not risk losing us to death or the trials of this world. God’s love wanted to claim us, and nothing could stop it. That was the love behind Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter. Those gifts were given in pure love by the one who is pure love.
So, when we reach Holy week, revel in the love that would see our Savior go to the cross to set us free. Revel in the love that emptied the tomb and promised that because Jesus lives, we shall live also. Revel in the love that has claimed you as its own. You are loved and God’s love stopped at nothing to make sure you were always going to be claimed as God’s very own children.
-submitted by Pastor Matt
We Turn Towards Easter Discovering anew the source of life
Ash Wednesday, we turn. We turn from the starlight of Epiphany. We turn from the very faint afterglow of Christmas and we turn toward Holy Week. We turn toward Easter. We turn---and the first word we hear is from the prophet Joel: Blow t he trumpet in Zion…for the day of the LORD is coming, it is near (2:1).
Ring the bell, Joel is saying. Send up the flares. Beat the drum. Send out the email. The day we have been praying for is near. The LORD is near.
But be wary for this trumpet is not ringing out a joyful, “Come one, come all:. No, this trumpet blast sounds more like an alarm.
This is not what we had expected. Nor is it what the people to whom Joel was writing expected.
We gather from a world of endless bed news—of darkness and gloom. We come from trouble, from sorrow, from heartache, from loneliness and despair. We come grieving the death of loved ones.
We come with the pain of illness—we’re anxiously waiting for
test results—or surgery is just around the corner. We come from our broken families—relationships between parent and child, and child and parent, fractured and torn. Our community knows violence and abuse of every kind.
We see images of on-going tensions in many places—the struggle of many in conflicts all over the world—the fearful possibility of even more escalation. The very real potential for destruction of God’s creation—of polluted waters, of creatures extinct.
We gather and we had imagined, like those to whom Joel wrote, that the day of the LORD would set everything right, would make the pain go away, would resolve, and redeem and make new.
Joel sees that the trouble that is loose among us and our world cannot be easily caged or tamed, because we are ourselves mixed up in it – caught up in the trouble! We are not innocent. We have turned from God . We have turned away from neighbour. We have turned away from creation. We do not have an alibi. God knows that we are not merely victims. We have sinned.
That is why the season of Lent, like Advent, begins with a turn. Preparing for the coming of the Lord inevitable begins with turning – literally repenting – turning our hears and lives toward the One who comes. Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with all your heart… rend your hearts and not your clothing (2:13). It is not too late, Joel is saying, it is not too late.
I suggest that the baptismal font be placed prominently at the entrance to the sanctuary for the season of Lent – for the font is the place of turning, the place of entry, of new beginnings- the place of dying to old ways and of rising in Christ. Here we were welcomed into the community of faith. Here we were first marked with the sign of the cross.
The ashes that mark our forehead in the sign of the cross on Ash Wednesday are an ancient symbol of baptismal turning. Take on this ashen cross as a sign of a desire for right relationship with God and neighbour and all creation – as a sign of entrusting yourself to God – as a sign of your mortality.
And then, wade through from the waters of the font to the communion table, where you will be met by God – in bread and wine – God, who “is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love,” God who ahs come to us with forgiveness, new life, strength, nourishment so that we might walk into the heart of the season of Lent – our daily lives – with courage and faithfulness.
The prophet proclaims that such a turning is not giving something up for Lent but discovering anew the source of life in the gracious, merciful, slow to anger, steadfast love of a blessing God.
-By Bishop Larry Kochendorfer
Canada Lutheran magazine
January/February 2024
The AGM was held on Sunday, February 4 following the church service with twenty-five (25) people in attendance. There was much discussion on the various agenda items. The election of new council members was performed by acclamation. Dorothy Gummer accepted a one-year (1) term, and Mary Handwerker, Colleen Zimmerman and Oystein Guren were re-elected for another term.
At the Council meeting following the Annual General Meeting, Oystein Guren accepted the position of Chair, and Colleen Zimmerman as Vice-Chair.
A huge “Thank You” to Megan Tym for organizing and the volunteers helping out at the Pancake Supper held on Shrove Tuesday. This was a great success with monies raised to be split between the Flooring Campaign and the Youth Group.
Our projector and sound system will need to be looked at being updated. There was a problem with the projector, but thanks to Kevin for fixing it, the projector is now working. We are waiting for a new bulb for the projector and with a new bulb installed the image should be clearer to view. We are working on how we can keep the sound system working in the nursery and in the sanctuary.
-submitted by
Oystein Guren - Chair
Please join us on March 1st at 7pm as we host World Day of Prayer for 2024 here at Peace. As is tradition, we hope to have other churches in the area join us in participating in the program. Refreshments will follow our evening service of readings, song & prayer. All are welcome and we hope to see you there. Please note that a free will offering will be collected that evening to support project grants empowering women and children in Canada and throughout the world.
God's Blessings,
-submitted by
The Witness Committee
A Huge Thank You to all of you who have participated and contributed to the many fundraising initiatives that have taken place to date. You will note in the summary below, we are well on our way to achieving the targeted goals that will make the replacement of the worn-out floor covering a reality.
Over the next two months the final details are being worked out for the next upcoming events. A SILENT AUCTION is the next activity being coordinated by Colleen Zimmerman. Then we will be holding a community GARAGE SALE being coordinated by Deloris Rahier.
As with any event of this nature there are many tasks to take care of in addition to the donations to the cause. Please contact Colleen and Deloris if you are able to assist with the set -p, delivery and/or clean up related to either or both of these events.
Donations for both the Silent Auction or the Garage Sale can be registered with either Colleen or Deloris or at the church office. Please note that items for the Garage Sale must be in good repair and in good working condition. We request donations of gently used materials and/or items that are still in good shape.
The SPONSOR A SQUARE program is also moving forward well. To date we are approximately halfway to the targeted sponsorships. 296 of the 600 squares available have been sponsored, totaling $22,200.00.
The other fundraising events and activities held to date have generated an additional $8,324.00.
These are:
Pie Sale - $ 330.00
Spaghetti Dinner - $ 2,231.00
Beverage Container #1 - $ 352.00
Cookie Sale - $ 2,880.00
Beverage Container #2 - $286.00
Pancake Supper - $ 1,123.00
Free Will Donations - $ 1,113.00
Our total funds raised to February 26, 2024, are $30,524.00 so as you can see it is looking great!
The Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) grant request to the provincial government is still pending. Earlier this month we were asked to supply some additional detailed information suggesting our request is being given serious consideration. We have learned that the sanctuary portion of the building is not eligible for funding. However, the remainder of the facility is eligible. Please continue to support the events coming up. Your support for the fundraising is very much appreciated.
THANK YOU for supporting the large endeavor.
-submitted by Bill Casey
Fundraising Campaign Coordinator
Events To Come In 2024:
Mid-April **- Silent Auction
April -May - Plant Sale,**
May 4 - Community Garage Sale,
June 6 - Martin Kerr Concert & Silent Auction
May - June 2024**- Beverage
Container Collection #3,
September – December – Fun Script
Gift Cards Sale
September-October** - Beverage
Container Collection #4,
October** - Fall Supper
- Christmas Cookie Sale,
** Tentative
Sponsor a Square
We are in desperate need to replace our church flooring.
Your gift can help us achieve this goal.
Sponsorship Levels
1 Square $75.00
2 Squares $150.00
5 Squares $375.00
10 Squares $750.00
20 Squares $1500.00
Sponsorship Forms Are Available From The Church Office
March 17 – 10:00 am Passion/Palm Sunday with Holy Communion
Jesus rides into Jerusalem surrounded by shouts of glory, only to be left alone to die on the cross.
March 28 – 7:00 pm – Maundy Thursday
On this Holy night, we remember Christ’s commandment to, love one
another as he washed the disciples’ feet and shared one last meal with them.
On this night, the betrayer comes and the walk to the cross begins.
March 29 – Good Friday – 10:30am Service at St. David’s United Church
On the cross, Christ died for us. He walked the path of pain and sorrow to break forever the power of sin and death in our lives. On this day, this break forever the power of sin and death in our lives. On this day, this Holy day, we remember and give thanks.
March 31 – Easter Sunday -
10:00 am - Church Service with Holy Communion
On this day the powers of death are defeated!!!
On this day, the power of sin is loosed!!!!
And we are bold to proclaim “He is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed!!!”
March 3 - 3 Lent -
First Reading: Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm: Psalm 19
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Gospel: John 2:113-22
March 10 - 4 Lent -
First Reading - Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm: 107:1-3, 17-22
Second Reading: Ephesians 2;1-10
Mar 17 - 5 Lent
First Reading: Jerimiah 31:31-34
Psalm: Psalm 51:1-12
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:5-10
Gospel: John 12:20-33
Mar 24 - Passion/Palm Sunday
First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm: Psalm 31: 9-16
Second Reading: Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47
Mar 28 - Maundy Thursday
First Reading: Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14
Psalm: Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Gospel: John 13:1-17,31b-35
Mar 29 - Good Friday
First Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm: Psalm 22
Second Reading: Hebrews 10:16-25
Gospel: John 18:1-19; 42
Mar 31 - Easter Sunday
First Reading: Acts 10:34-43
Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Gospel: Mark 16:1-8